The White Lies were BRILLIANT! Crocodiles were fun and Transfer suprised me with how much energy I felt when the first note was played. It was amazing, first concert after few weeks.
We were about to buy a tickets right before the concrert starts but when we arrived there was a big sing "SOLD OUT". I was so depressed I won't see White Lies.
"2 Tickets on Vypsana fixa" I gave up.
"And the White Lies are sold out?" Asked my BF.
"So how many tickets?"
"As I said - 2"
"And for the White Lies?"
The man sold to us another two tickets for White Lies anyway - don't know why he decided to do that, I'm just happy I was so lucky! And he sold it for the lower price - no charges!
Today I'll go to see and Czech band - Vypsaná fixa. I've seen them hundred times but it's like a little ritual of us (me and few friends) - when this band plays in Prague, we are allways there.
ta fotka je super!